I have an amazingly romantic man but I found this post Chemistry.com for all the singles ladies keeping up with my blog. Chemisty.com apparently has discovered the nation’s Top 10 Cities to Find a Romantic Man. They used their data based on the personality types of American singles from their site and they say they have uncovered the cities with the highest concentrations of passionate single men- and you may be surprised by where they are romancing!
Their chief scientific advisor, Dr. Helen Fisher, states her thoughts around men and romantic tendencies:
The data revealed the most romantic men- the Negotiators- can be found in cities known for their trendy cultures, as San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, and Austin, TX claim the top 3 spots.

Their chief scientific advisor, Dr. Helen Fisher, states her thoughts around men and romantic tendencies:
“It’s a myth that men aren’t as romantic as women,” she says. “Your romantic streak just depends on your biological makeup. Based on my research at Chemistry.com, I have found that men who are more expressive of estrogen (and there are lots of them, including some football players,) fall in love more regularly than others. These men are also the most creative when it comes to planning romantic activities, and romantic times are particularly meaningful to them.”
The data revealed the most romantic men- the Negotiators- can be found in cities known for their trendy cultures, as San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, and Austin, TX claim the top 3 spots.

Austin Skyline above
Find the rest of the Top 10 Cities to Find a Romantic Man below:
- San Francisco, CA
- Portland, OR
- Austin, TX
- Salt Lake City, UT
- Hartford, CT
- Boston, MA
- Seattle, WA
- New York, NY
- Los Angeles, CA
- Washington D.C.
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