Friday, June 8, 2012

50 Cent Sits Down With Oprah

Re-Posted from NecoleBitchie
Guess who kissed and made up! Oprah and Fiddy!
Granted, the beef between the two was very one sided with 50 having somewhat of a grudge against Oprah because he thought that she didn’t like hip-hop culture. He went as far as naming his female dog, Oprah, as a way to make himself feel a little better. He told the ladies of the View, ‘It started out negative ’cause I thought Oprah didn’t like Hip-Hop culture. I got the dog and now I love Oprah. I started to feel like I didn’t like her and I hadn’t met her.
This coming Sunday, 50 Cent will appear on Oprah’s ‘Next Chapter’, in an intimate interview about his $100 million Empire, fatherhood, rap culture and life.  According to Oprah, she was very surprised by their chat, which lasted two hours.
Here is five things that she said she learned:
1. He meditates regularly.
2. Received his mantra from Deepak Chopra, whose book he’s currently reading.
3. He was not allowed to use curse words in his grandmother’s house and still follows that rule.
4. A recent conversation with philanthropist Ray Chambers was life changing for him.
And my favorite….
5. He believes either pray or worry…no need for both.
Great conversation about rap culture, fatherhood, love, and life. He describes himself as two people – Curtis and 50 Cent – I was fascinated to hear his description of them both. Really glad I did it.  Really liked him.     –Oprah
It looks as though 50 is doing a lot of re-branding and had changed for the better.
Earlier this year, he announced that he would be donating a billion meals to kids around the world and he took a trip to Somalia with the United Nations World Food Program to feed the hungry.  In an interview with ABC News, he revealed that he wanted his legacy to be more than just a guy who made cool songs:
I want to be more, not just as an artist but as a person. My legacy…what’s left behind. I don’t want to be a guy who’s just remembered for writing a few cool songs. This is the next chapter of my life. I don’t care if my audience is prepared to move forward with me. They may not necessarily be growing at the same pace.”
50′s interview will air this Sunday on Own at 9pm.

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