Thursday, December 1, 2011

Little Printer's Adorable Personalized Feeds

Thanks to one of my fav blog's My Modern Met for posting this:

The Little Printer is an adorable product that Berg Cloud has been working on and has finally decided to release in 2012. Users subscribe to feeds, such as News Headlines or Four Square, and the Little Printer prints them onto a 10 inch receipt-like strip of paper. It even goes a step further and filters the feed so that it "can bring you paper deliveries, regularly, quietly and happily, without competing for attention with the bright flickering screens in your life," explains Berg Cloud's CEO Matt Webb.
The Little Printer brings the world of technology onto paper, making it more tangible and traditional. Now, your favorite feeds can be written on, passed around and shared. This increases actual human social interactions, rather than interaction over the Internet.
Some other awesome things about the Little Printer? Not only can you subscribe to news headlines and social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare, but you can also subscribe to other fun things like friends' birthdays, to-do lists, daily puzzles, partworks (with subjects from art to architecture, typography to butterflies) and even a Nike running coach.

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