Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"H8R" Premiering Next Fall on CW

By Matt Kiebus 
Next fall the CW will be premiering a show called “H8R,” during which celebrities like Kardashian and Snooki will unexpectedly confront people that have talked sh*t about them. The show will be hosted by ab workout fanatic Mario Lopez. Each episode will feature different celebrities, but the first episode appears to be a doozie with Kardashian and Snooki defending their heritage and their asses—quite literally.
The purpose of the show is for the haters to have a change of heart after meeting their celebrity face-to-face. Quite honestly it seems to be a show for cry baby celebs who don’t realize that their fame and bank accounts should significantly outweigh their critics opinion and their own hurt feelings. The show is sure to be full of “you don’t know me’s” and “who do you think you are’s.”
I always find it hilarious when reality-television stars volunteer their lives to be documented on TV and once any backlash begins they ask their audience to not judge them based on what they see during the show. They’re totally different in “real life”—trust them! In other words they want the money and prestige of actors without the accountability of the reality tag.
Meaning that “H8R” promises to be a show by questionable celebs and for questionable celebs, meaning millions of us will probably watch it and say “I can’t believe how real and totally down to earth Snooki and Kim Kardashian are!”

Snook and Kim
Disclaimer: I will not be watching this show

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